
Docker daemon switch to linux containers
Docker daemon switch to linux containers

docker daemon switch to linux containers docker daemon switch to linux containers

If you are using the Windows Build 19041 or higher, you can check the WSL version by opening the PowerShell command line and entering the following command: If you are installing WSL from scratch, please skip this session. That session is only for those that already have WSL 1 installed. You need to restart restart Windows to apply the settings. In case you don’t have the WSL installed, before installing any Linux distributions on Windows, you must enable the Windows Subsystem for Linux optional feature. If you have Windows 10 build 2004 or higher, you can install WSL2 through the following command and skip steps 1-4: wsl -install Notice that Windows10 is the name of my virtual machine on Hyper-V: Set-VMProcessor -VMName Windows10 -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true In case you want to install WSL 2 in a virtual machine, you need to turn off the VM and run the following command as admin on the host machine: Running Windows 10, updated to version 2004, Build 19041 or higher. Once updated, I will demonstrate how to configure Docker to use WSL2 to run a Linux Minecraft Java Edition container natively on Windows without emulation, i.e., without a Hyper-V VM. In this post I will demonstrate how to update the Windows Subsystem for Linux - WSL to version 2 aka WSL2.

Docker daemon switch to linux containers